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Mike Selph
writer/creative director
tv, video, radio
"Home Alone"
Time Warner Cable
This award-winning 60 was part of a campaign selling TWC's IntelligentHome security and home management service. Spot won Gold MARK award as a single spot and campaign.
"Eye Exam"
Time Warner Cable
One of hundreds of spots I wrote to introduce Time Warner Cable's phone service across the country. It helps if there's a bad guy to your good guy, and there was: the phone company. Spot won both Addy and MARK awards.
Time Warner Cable
With Digital Phone, subscribers received free service calls. The other guys? Nope. Spot won both Addy and MARK awards.
radio spots
Two spots for Time Warner Cable's Phone Service
Two pro bono spots for the Atlanta Sports Council, a group that brings big-time sports to the city
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